Click the link below to get the lessons for the unit test 2 of Islam, this 2nd term 2016, which be held on 7/9/2016 Wednesday Inshaallah. The topics are: Ziney and Vakkan. Here are the Lesson slides
Click the links below to get the lesson slides for the Unit test-1 which will be held on Wednesday 10/8/2016,
1- Surat Bayyinaa
2- Surat Qadri
3- Aariyaa
Click the link below to get other important documents linked to SSC exam 2016: Like; SSC exam papers survey and pass papers etc.. Others for SSC exam 2016
Unit test 3 of Islam will be held in this week Thursday 12/5/2016. The Topics are:
1) AlQasbu (pages; 112 - 114)
2) Bangurala masthuvaa thakethi (pages; 116 - 123)
3) Qazfu kurun (pages; 124 - 129)
4) Ranriheege Hukum (pages; 130 - 134)
And from the topic "Halaanaa" a separate, small assessment will be given within this week or next.
There will be a small assessment for grade 10 A and B student on Thursday, 28/4/16. The Topic will be: Nafaqaa Pages; 101, 102 and 103.
Click the link below to download the lesson slides: Nafaqaa
Unit test1 of Islam will be held on next Thursday (11-2-2016) Inshaallah. The topics are as follows:
1- Asbaabunnuzul (pages: 16-19)
2- Quran (pages : 20 - 24)
3- Islaamdheenakee luifaseyha dheeneh (pages: 26-29)
4- Visnumuge minivankan (pages: 30-34)
5- Alhukamugai heevaagivumah hivvarudhinun (pages: 36-40)